[FreeNX-kNX] HOWTO Install FreeNX on a Windows Box

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Sat Oct 16 15:38:29 UTC 2004

On Saturday 16 October 2004 17:25, Doug Burks wrote:

> #############################################################################
> Problem:
> #############################################################################
> Let's say you want to be able to connect to a remote Windows 2000/XP
> box over a low-bandwidth connection that is not sufficient for VNC
> (even TightVNC).  If we could compress the VNC traffic with NX, then
> performance would be acceptable.  Now suppose that we can't install a
> separate PC to run Linux and FreeNX.  How do we install FreeNX on the
> Windows box itself?
> #############################################################################
> Solution:
> #############################################################################
> No, there isn't a native Windows port of the NX server
> components...yet :)  For the time being, however, you can run CoLinux
> on your Windows installation and then install FreeNX on the CoLinux
> instance.  Here's how:
> 1.  Go to the CoLinux Download page:


> 8.  Configure the NX client to connect to the IP address of the
> CoLinux instance and do a VNC session to the IP address of the Windows
> box.  (If the Windows box has Terminal Services, then you could
> instead do an RDP session to the IP address of the Windows box.)
> 9.  Success!


Actually I had thought to setup such a scenario once, but didnt find
time yet to do and test it. (I've done the same thing with a VMWare
instance running on the Windows machine). 

Could you relay some of your experience with this? What is it like 
compared to running TightVNC to directly access the Windows machine?


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