[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX server sources?

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at danka.de
Fri Oct 8 15:35:17 UTC 2004

Jean-Eric Cuendet wrote:

> I'm unable to find sources of FreeNS server...

There is no such thing as a "Free"NS...
I assume you are talking about Free*NX*?

Should you be able to find the executable of
FreeNX server, just try a "file nxserver" on
it. It will probably tell you that it is a
Bash shell script.

You can't have more source than that.   ;-)

> Anyone to point me somewhere?

Google helps.

Otherwise try http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/nx/

> Thanks.
> -jec


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