D26753: Option for internal PDFium-based viewer on Qt 5.13+

Juraj Oravec noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Jan 21 18:14:56 GMT 2020

SGOrava added a comment.

  I know that.
  I still believe we need to do something to make it more obvious or we would just push this work for later date.
  I am also not very sure on how to this, I just said my opinion last time but you reject it.
  But I still see a need to at least inform user that the pepper plugins needs to be enabled for it to work.
  It can be:
  - the direct relationship as I said before, we can also think of renaming the pepper plugins option
  - Some note under the option
  - Or at least tooltip
  What do you think?

  R875 Falkon


To: alukichev, #falkon
Cc: SGOrava, falkon, alukichev, grune, akilgus, siraj_qazi, saishm, anmolgautam, iodelay, spoorun, ptabis, navarromorales, clivej, mparillo, ach
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