Compiling under openSUSE Tumbleweed

Theo alpha0x89 at
Sun Jun 16 16:07:53 BST 2019

On Sun, June 16, 2019, 06:57 UTC David Rosca <nowrep at> wrote:

> On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 7:30 PM Theo <alpha0x89 at> wrote:
>> On Sat, June 15, 2019, 06:33 UTC David Rosca <nowrep at> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jun 15, 2019 at 8:29 AM Theo <alpha0x89 at> wrote:
>>>> On Thu, June 13, 2019, 05:28 UTC David Rosca <nowrep at> wrote:
>>>> Yes, falkon:config lists /opt/falkon/share/falkon/plugins as one of the
>>>> extensions paths. But no, my Falkon doesn't actually try to load the
>>>> extensions from there: (without the link from
>>>> /usr/local/lib64/plugins/falkon)
>>> It will only try to lookup available plugins when needed, not on
>>> startup. If you open preferences it will.
>> It loads all my enabled extensions on startup. With the link from
>> /usr/local/lib64/plugins/falkon or with
>> FALKON_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/falkon/lib64/plugins/falkon, the extensions are
>> loaded on startup, indicated by the terminal message "Falkon: 7
>> extensions loaded" (and by strace messages). Without the link or the
>> environment variable, I only get "Falkon: 1 extensions loaded" and
>> Preferences only shows AdBlock available.
> Again, it does load plugins from *all* paths you see in falkon:config.
> In your last email, you were grepping wrong string: plugins were
> installed in /opt/falkon/share/falkon/plugins and you were grepping
> "plugins/falkon".

You are right, grepping for falkon/plugins gives messages for all paths
listed under falkon:config, except /usr/local/lib64/plugins/falkon, of

> If you don't post full logs I can't help you.

I think all relevant information has been posted, but until now I have
blindly missed the discrepancy between the path
/opt/falkon/share/falkon/plugins listed under falkon:config and the path
/opt/falkon/lib64/plugins/falkon where the plugins have been actually
installed by 'make install'. So the real questions is whether this
mismatch is a problem with my system or a bug in the install procedure
of Falkon.

>>>>> Most likely the issue is that the falkon binary loads the system
>>>>> libFalkonPrivate instead of the one in /opt/falkon (due to /opt/falkon
>>>>> not being in paths).
>>>> $ lsof | grep libFalkonPrivate
>>>> only lists
>>>> /opt/falkon/lib64/

>>>> $ export FALKON_PLUGIN_PATH=/opt/falkon/lib64/plugins/falkon
>>>> makes Falkon load the extensions from /opt/falkon and falkon:config
>>>> shows that path as the only extensions path.

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