Problem with flatpak installation

Removed null+removed at
Sat Apr 28 15:57:21 BST 2018


I tried to get latest Falkon. However using build from source wasn't an
option because Qt5 seems to be older than required on openSUSE Leap
42.3. Then I followed the flatpak route (I have never used flatpak
before, so it is new for me). Here is what I got:

# flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
# flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists kdeapps --from
# flatpak install kdeapps org.kde.falkon
Required runtime for org.kde.falkon/x86_64/master
(org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.10) is not installed, searching...
Found in remote flathub, do you want to install it? [y/n]: y
Installing: org.kde.Platform/x86_64/5.10 from flathub

12 delta parts, 78 loose fetched; 183666 KiB transferred in 36 seconds
Installing: org.freedesktop.Platform.GL.nvidia-390-48/x86_64/1.4 from flathub

1 delta parts, 2 loose fetched; 347 KiB transferred in 0 seconds
Installing: org.freedesktop.Platform.ffmpeg/x86_64/1.6 from flathub

1 delta parts, 3 loose fetched; 2650 KiB transferred in 0 seconds
Installing: org.kde.Platform.Locale/x86_64/5.10 from flathub

5 metadata, 1 content objects fetched; 15 KiB transferred in 0 seconds
Installing: org.kde.falkon/x86_64/master from kdeapps

53 metadata, 118 content objects fetched; 2213 KiB transferred in 1
# which falkon
which: no falkon in

The question is - where is Falkon now? :)

Also - how does one uninistall it later? (including cleaning of
everything as if it was never installed, removing the flatpak repos etc)


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