How to add touchpad and battery for notebooks
Ludwig Cornelius
t_d_l_c at
Thu Apr 5 09:38:30 UTC 2018
Hi dear mailing list,
I want to add the widgets for touchpad and battery on notebooks
automatically by using a script or configuration file. Is this possible?
In plasma 4 we had a js file that would do this. I tried to adopt it
for plasma 5, but while it seems to do the right thing (at least for one
widget) when using the interactive console, there seem problems when
executing it during login by putting it in
The ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc doesn't contain
all necessary entries, probably because they are not there yet to be
updated by my script (new home).
So is there another way to activate touchpad/battery?
Best wishes,
P.S. - this is my script:
function objToString(myobj) {
result = ""
for(var propName in myobj) {
propValue = myobj[propName]
result = result + propName + " " + propValue + "\n";
return result;
function l(level, message) {
if (level >= 0) print(message)
function getFreeSlotFor(usedIndexesArray) {
//find free slot
l(0, "usedIndexesArray: " + usedIndexesArray);
var freeSlot=-1;
for (j=0; j<300; j++) {
var foundValue = -1;
for(k=0; k<usedIndexesArray.length; k++) {
if(j == usedIndexesArray[k]) foundValue = 1;
if (foundValue == -1) {
freeSlot = j;
l(0, "freeSlot is " + freeSlot);
return freeSlot;
function addWidgetToSystray (widgetName) {
try {
l(0, "---------------------- " + + " " +
pids = panelIds;
for (i = 0; i < pids.length; ++i) { //search through the panels
panel = panelById(pids[i]);
if (!panel) continue;
//l(0, objToString(panel))
systemtrayId = -1;
// check if widget already in panel and determine id of
for (tmpIndex = 0; tmpIndex < panel.widgetIds.length; tmpIndex
++) {
appletWidget = panel.widgetById(panel.widgetIds[tmpIndex]);
// l(0, appletWidget.type);
if (appletWidget.type == widgetName) {
l(1, widgetName + " already in panel");
else if (appletWidget.type == "org.kde.plasma.systemtray") {
systemtrayId = panel.widgetIds[tmpIndex];
l(0, "systemtrayId is " + systemtrayId);
// find free slot, write to config
freeSlot = getFreeSlotFor(panel.widgetIds);
if (freeSlot == -1) {
l(3, "No freeSlot found");
//write applet plugin to config
if (freeSlot > -1) {
l(0, "will write to config: applet " + widgetName + " in
freeSlot " + freeSlot);
panel.currentConfigGroup = new Array("Applets", freeSlot);
panel.writeConfig("plugin", widgetName);
panel.writeConfig("immutability", 1);
//write AppletOrder
panel.currentConfigGroup = new Array("General");
currOrder = panel.readConfig("AppletOrder");
newOrder = "";
if (currOrder == "" ) newOrder = freeSlot;
else {
tmpIdArray = currOrder.split(";");
for (j=0; j<tmpIdArray.length; j++) {
nextNum = tmpIdArray[j];
if (nextNum == systemtrayId) newOrder += freeSlot + ";";
newOrder += nextNum;
if (j != (tmpIdArray.length -1) ) newOrder += ";" ;
l(0, "currOrder is " + currOrder);
l(0, "newOrder is " + newOrder);
panel.writeConfig("AppletOrder", newOrder);
catch (err) {
print("20-addTouchpadDisabler.js: " + err.message);
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