Filling org.kde.plasma.quicklaunch per user

Ludwig Cornelius t_d_l_c at
Thu Oct 12 10:53:00 UTC 2017


I try to fill the quicklauch bar (org.kde.plasma.quicklaunch) on first 
login for each user individually. Each user can have different 
quicklauch icons assigned. How could I do this? Any ideas?

Is it possible to redraw org.kde.plasma.quicklauch after changing the 
config (plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc) via javascript or directly?

What I've tried:

1.) Put a javascript file in:

a.) Is it possible to log if this script was executed? Which would be 
the right component in kdebugdialog? ksmserver?
b.) Is it possible at all to execute a javascript file on first login?

2.) Put a desktop file in ~/.config/autostart that executes a script to 
manipulate ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc. The 
problem is that the file doesn't exist yet. Is it possible to autostart 
something after the look-and-feel-package layout.js was executed?
On second login plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc exists and can 
be manipulated.

Best Wishes,

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