status of kde/plasma kiosk framework in kf5

Kai Uwe Broulik kde at
Sun Dec 18 20:31:23 UTC 2016


> 2) device_automounter_kcm.desktop=false works fine.. thank you for that...  networkmanager is not in the list by now

Network manager might get a proper KCM in 5.9 which takes this into account - if it doesn't make it in time I'll patch it so the entry disappears also for classic network editor

> 5) well dolphin has a menubar, a toolbar and sidebars (for example the "places" panel) if i lock toolbars the places panel is still moveable and can be removed..  it is not treated as toolbar..

I just had a look at Dolphin's source code, you can set the following restrictions

action/lock_panels=false - removes the "Unlock panels" action

And then you could disable the actions for toggling the panels:
action/show_terminal_panel=false (though that follows shell_access too)

Granted, this isn't very intuitive or well documented. I wonder what restriction (movable_toolbars, action/configure_toolbars, ...?) could we use to make this work more automatically?

> 7) any idea why a single launcher in the main panel (Konsole) still shows a context menu while ALL the other respect the setting? something wrong in the .desktop file?

You mean, when you place a Konsole desktop file in a panel, you right click it and get "New Window" which work regardless of shell_access? I might have missed that when implementing Jump list actions: they don't go through regular KIO machinery (like a regular application launch would). I'll have a look.

Kai Uwe

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