Feature Request

Umar Farooq umerfarooq12701 at gmail.com
Mon May 15 12:41:16 BST 2023

Hi there,
Awesome KDE guyz!

I'll try to make it brief.
I'm an audiophile, a linux user for about 2 years and have tried many music
players recently. One's UI isn't that good, the other's UX is terrible, One
has got music suggestions then doesn't support lyrics (many of em don't).
Juk doesn't have much. Rhythmbox was good enough, but.. . Deepin music's
snap didn't go well. Lollypop didn't cut it.

Amberol <https://flathub.org/apps/io.bassi.Amberol> and G4music
<https://flathub.org/apps/com.github.neithern.g4music> both have decent UI,
first one having adaptive colors while latter with blurred one.
I've been using Tauon Music Box <https://github.com/Taiko2k/TauonMusicBox>
for some time now and recently started using Harmonoid
<https://harmonoid.com/> too. An addition was Sunamu
<https://github.com/NyaomiDEV/Sunamu> which detects currently playing music
& fetches time-synced lyrics from the internet, only.

Being a KDE fan and everyday user, I did try Elisa some time ago but moved
on. I just saw lyrics (pulling from metadata) functionality which I guess
was introduced recently and.. it's loveable!

Though, the lyrics experience is (saying as a user) quite horrible (I know
you guyz put in a lot of work, the feedback is just for improvement :). In
simple words, the active lyrics line is hard to distinguish from the rest.

Using highlight color from the color scheme would look complex/ugly
(example of Tauon Box below). So, my humble *suggestion* is: it should be
somewhat like: active line with opacity:1,next and previous with
opacity:0.75 and the rest with opacity:6. You get it right? You can adjust
the figures, or better.. if you do some gradient-fu ;)
A little bigger font-size (like that in Harmonoid) would be the icing on

Here's Tauon Music Box's approach:
[image: elisa1_tauon.png]
looks ew, right?

Here is Sunamu's approach:
[image: elisa2_sunamu.png]
Gradient-like appearance of lyrics, and adaptive colors from album
art 😻 (You getting it, right? :D)

And, here's Harmonoid's:
[image: elisa3_harmonoid.png]

I cloned the repo and tried to modify it myself but (as I'm not much of a
dev) couldn't find the relevant code 🐧

That's all.

I have also shown you (&linked) (if you haven't seen) some cool projects
which I've been exploring. You guyz can take things as further as you can -
for example: adaptive colors wherever suits, I know a lot makes things
messy -  after all, the goal is to make KDE awesome 🙂

What do you guys think about it?
Whatever you guyz decide, work on these, or move on without them; I would
love to hear what The Developers have to say. Keep rocking awesome guyz.

Warmest Regards,
Umar aka Signore
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