Bug triaging

Matthieu Gallien gallien.matthieu at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 09:47:48 BST 2020


I would like to organize a bug triaging campaign for Elisa. Currently, I am 
not doing a good job there.

The goal would be to go over all existing open bugs and at least checks if :

* they are reproducible ;
* they are fixable by modifying Elisa own code ;
* they comes from a dependency of Elisa ;
* they are a bug or a feature request ;

The idea is to get people from the community involved in that to help achieve 
that goal.

Ideally, we would be able to build a sustainable bug triaging activity around 

After that, we will also need to prioritize the fixes we think are achievable 
for the next stable release.

I will only be able to help a few hours but I absolutely want to update the 
Elisa handbook before the next release and that has an higher priority for me.

The other high priority task I want to achieve before the next release is to 
test and fix all issues related to accessibility of Elisa.

Best regards


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