Help wanted: Uploading presentation slides to website

Carl Symons carlsymons at
Wed Aug 17 01:07:35 UTC 2011

On Tue, Aug 9, 2011 at 8:17 AM, Jon Nordby <jononor at> wrote:
> I've uploaded the content of our session USB keys (including spares).
> You will find it here
> The slides needs to be uploaded (in PDF format) and linked on the
> presentation webpage on the website.
> If we are missing any slides, the presenter should be contacted and
> asked to provided them.
> We need someone to do this. Who takes responsibility for this?
> --
> Jon Nordby -

I started on this with the room 1 files.

It would be helpful if someone could contact the following presenters...
Mozilla - presentation (8MB) exceeds upload file size limit (5MB)
Nick Richards - slides (23MB) exceeds slide file size limit (10MB)
Thomas Thwaites - slides (13.1MB) exceeds slide file size limit (10MB)

alternatively, the size limit could be increased by someone with BIG
Drupal privileges.

Other than those, all available files were uploaded. I haven't figured
out what presentations slides are missing. It would be helpful for
someone else to take that on. I am going to be away for the next
several days and won't get to it. The same goes for the other 3
rooms...figure out what slides are missing and contact those
presenters for slide copies in pdf...max file size is 10MB.

I'll upload the others when I return.


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