[dot] Kommander Releases, Plugs in and Updates Site

Dot Stories stories at kdenews.org
Sat Sep 30 13:20:53 CEST 2006

URL: http://dot.kde.org/1159615171/

From: Eric Laffoon <eric at kdewebdev.org>
Dept: all-those-kommander-applications
Date: Saturday 30/Sep/2006, @04:19

Kommander Releases, Plugs in and Updates Site

   The Kommander [http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/] team is proud to
announce a new development release
[http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/releases.php#unstable] which has some
bug fixes but most importantly a new text editor. Along with this we are
releasing two new plugins
[http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/releases.php#plugins] for databases
[http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/changes.php?releasenum=3] and HTTP
forms. We have also updated our site with an article and tutorial
section [http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/writings.php] starting out with
an Introduction to Kommander
[http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/writings.php?article=intro]. We also
have a development news section
[http://developer.kdewebdev.org/kommander/]. More is in the works to be
released in the coming week. Remember Kommander is developed almost
entirely through sponsorship funding and actually saw little development
for several months partly due to funding shortages. Your financial
support [http://kdewebdev.org/donate.php] is welcome.

     The new release is marked as unstable, but it is mostly bug fixes
except for the new text editor. Kommander has the same editor part as
Kate and Quanta now with new highlighting, bracket balancing and
undo/redo. It can also do line numbers and bookmarks, though the current
editor model causes persistence issues, it is still a huge improvement.
As this release is backwards compatible with existing versions we
strongly recommend it to everyone writing Kommander dialogs.

     Over a year ago we decided to develop a plugin to show this
potential in Kommander. We decided on hk_classes for a database plugin.
At aKademy last year there was a bug preventing release. Then for both
funding and personal reasons Michal was unable to work on it. Now a year
later it is ready and we also have a new HTTP form class that allows you
to send HTTP headers. It has been successfully used to make a text
messaging tool to prevent us from having to find where the provider put
the web form this week.

     There have been a lot of Kommander apps showing up on kde-apps.org
[http://www.kde-apps.org/] and likely a lot of people have questions. We
know a lot of people producing dialogs need a little help with some
tutorials and tips to make them more usable. So we have the new section
for articles, tutorials and tips
[http://kommander.kdewebdev.org/writings.php]. Look for more on that

     We have mentioned that Kommander development was inactive for
several months, but we have discussed starting again with Michal because
it is important for KDE to have this tool. If you are enjoying this tool
or a program written with it please consider giving your financial
support [http://kdewebdev.org/donate.php] to the project. Thanks to all
who have encouraged us and made applications with Kommander.

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