[dot] KOffice 1.6 RC 1 Released

Dot Stories stories at kdenews.org
Wed Sep 27 23:59:19 CEST 2006

URL: http://dot.kde.org/1159393167/

From: Inge Wallin <inge at lysator.liu.se>
Dept: soon-soon-soon
Date: Wednesday 27/Sep/2006, @14:39

KOffice 1.6 RC 1 Released

   In the middle of the yearly KDE conference Akademy
[http://conference2006.kde.org/], the KOffice [http://www.koffice.org]
team has released the first release candidate of version 1.6. This
release follows the earlier beta [http://dot.kde.org/1157906170/]
according to the schedule.

     This version does not contain any new features, but comprises of a
number of bug fixes that were the result of user comments made about the
beta 1 version. The team hopes to continue its great dialogue with the
users, and is looking forward to the final release on October 15th.

     As usual, you are invited to test it in depth and to report any
bugs via the KDE bug website.
     For more information, see the download and release notes page
[http://www.koffice.org/releases/1.6-rc1-release.php], the announcement 
[http://www.koffice.org/announcements/announce-1.6-rc1.php] and the
complete list of changes.

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