[dot] KDE Announces the 24 Google Projects
Dot Stories
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Thu Jun 30 16:10:17 CEST 2005
URL: http://dot.kde.org/1120137340/
From: Thiago Macieira <thiago at kde.org>
Dept: at-long-last
Date: Thursday 30/Jun/2005, @08:15
KDE Announces the 24 Google Projects
The KDE Project and Google announce the 24 KDE projects selected for
the “Summer of Code” project. The lucky students and the KDE
e.V. will receive a total of $120,000 if they can complete their
projects in the allotted two months.
The accepted projects span accessibility work, improvements to the
office and personal information management suites, and innovations to
KDE architecture. Much anticipated projects include one addressing VoIP
in KDE, and a unified document viewer to handle multiple formats with a
plugin architecture for third party vendor extensions.
Twenty year old Piotr Szymanski, one of the selected students,
said: “I am really happy about developing this bounty. I worked on
the KDE Polish translation team for a couple of years, and now, whilst
studying computer science, I can get paid to create a much-needed free
software application. I'm a bit of a mix of a programmer, mathematician,
artist and a philosopher, a kind of renaissance guy.”
Eva Brucherseifer of the KDE e.V. board added: “The selection
process was very difficult due to so many good applications. This is a
great opportunity for students to join the KDE community and to spend
the summer on something that will stay.”
The full list of selected projects and students:
Common scripting/plugin subsystem for Kontact
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/kontactscript.html] - Kun Xi
Framework and proof of concept of a write-time analysis of the value of
a variable in C++ in the KDevelop UI
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/varanalysis.html] - John Tapsell
Fully integrated KDE NX Client
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/knx.html] - Christopher Cook To
give Konqueror, the KDE Web Browser a complete XUL implementation
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/xul.html] - Philip Scott GTD
(Getting Things Done) for Kontact
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/gtd.html] - Rafał Rzepecki
Implement support for OASIS XLIFF 1.1 in KBabel
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/xliff.html] - Asgeir Frimannsson
Implementation of HTML/CSS paged media in KHTML and Konqueror
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/pagedmedia.html] - Allan Sandfeld
Jensen Improve computation engine of KSpread
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/kspreadengine.html] - Tomas Mecir
Integration of VoIP/Video-Conferencing into Kontact/KDE
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/voip.html] - Malte Böhme Kamion
— User State Migration Tool for KDE
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/kamion.html] - Milan Mitrovic KDE
Framework Addition: Distributed Application Markup Language
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/daml.html] - Iain Dooley KDE
runtime observer: help to debug Qt/KDE applications by showing very
easily runtime relations between objects: Signals, heritage, containment
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/runtimeobserver.html] - David
Moreno Montero KDE support for Eclipse
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/eclipse.html] - Oleksandr Dymo
Label Browser: a new concept in desktop browsing
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/labelbrowser.html] -
Ramakrishna.R Living KDE: an experimental idea of using Tag and search
concept to organize user documents
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/livingkde.html] - Sachin Gupta A
New Sidebar for Konqueror
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/sidebar.html] - John Doyle Nokey:
an accessibility application designed to facilitate complete control of
a computer using only the movement of the mouse pointer
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/nokey.html] - Leo Spalteholz
oKular - A powerful unified viewer application for KDE with a plugin
system and backends for most popular formats
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/okular.html] - Piotr Szymanski
PowerPoint import filter for KPresenter
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/pptimport.html] - Yolla Indria
Speech recognition in KHotKeys
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/speech.html] - Olivier Goffart
Spreadsheet Programming Interface for Sensor Networks
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/sensornetworks.html] - James
Horey Visionary application - Project Knoware
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/knoware.html] - Brian Beck Visual
History for Konqueror
[http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/visualhistory.html] - Dianfei Han
Writing a KDE application not in C(++): onscreen keyboard utility
written in the Java programming language and utilizing the KDE/Qt
framework [http://developer.kde.org/summerofcode/javakbd.html] - Jack
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