[dot] Announcing the New KDE-Artist Website

Dot Stories stories at kdenews.org
Sun Jun 5 17:42:06 CEST 2005

URL: http://dot.kde.org/1117986069/

From: Janet Theobroma <theobroma at revelinux.com>
Dept: k-picasso
Date: Sunday05/Jun/2005, @17:41

Announcing the New KDE-Artist Website

   KDE-Artists.org [http://www.kde-artists.org] is a new KDE sister
website created specifically for artists and coders to use for reference
and direction in creating a high quality consistant user interface. It
is also the home of Kollaboration
[http://kde-artists.org/main/content/blogsection/4/38/] a new concept
created by several people to give dreamers, artists, and coders a place
to work together.

     Here are just a few things you will be able to do at
KDE-Artists.org: use Kollaboration to see your ideas or concepts come to
life, interact with and learn from seasoned developers, learn new "tips
and tricks", easily find guidelines
[http://kde-artists.org/main/content/blogsection/5/37/] for creating
high quality KDE artwork, acquire re-usable tools like color palettes,
and icon elements, get involved with the "official development", vote
for preferences, help establish standards, get involved to help
coordinate the look and feel of each release, and a space where coders
can request specific artwork for their applications.

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