[dot] OSNews: Gnome Guy Goes KDE

Dot Stories stories at kdenews.org
Wed Jan 5 03:42:17 CET 2005

URL: http://dot.kde.org/1104892835/

From: Jonathan Riddell <>
Dept: compare-and-contrast
Date: Wednesday 05/Jan/2005, @03:40

OSNews: Gnome Guy Goes KDE

   Christian Paratschek is a long term Gnome user who has has not looked
at KDE for over two years.  He has written about his experiences
[http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=9305] of testing out
SimplyMepis for a week, comparing the two desktop environments and their
applications and finding the areas in which KDE can tempt even a
dyed-in-the-wool Gnome fan.

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