libFcitx5Migrator only internal lib (was: Re: PSA: some SO versions suddenly turning 0 with ECM 5.110)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Fri Sep 22 23:38:11 BST 2023

Am Samstag, 23. September 2023, 00:23:49 CEST schrieb Alessandro Astone:
> How did you include fcitx5-configtool in the list of affected packages?

It was among the two first projects reported to me where the SO version number 
changed. But I failed to double-check if it actually installs a library with 
an external interface.

Indeed seems not (no headers, cmake config files etc. installed), just has an 
internal library with libFcitx5Migrator which changes the SO version number on 
a rebuild.
Which then should only affect those where the package manifest has the full 
library name.



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