Backporting of Discover/KNS fixes

Norbert Preining norbert at
Mon Mar 7 09:31:51 GMT 2022

Hi Ben,

> With respect to Ubuntu and Debian, these two distributions are requested to
> advise when they have released the fixes.
> I'm extremely disappointed in both Debian and Ubuntu for the delay they've
> had in releasing these updates. Their conduct falls well short of what I

Honestly, you seem to underestimate how complicated an update to a
stable distribution is. You seem to imagine everything being a rolling
release, but this is not reality.

The Debian Team is working hard to bring the fixes to the stable
release, but there is only that much they can do. They cannot hand-hold
the release managers.

You might consider this and tone down your attacks a bit.

> In the future items such as this will likely need a CVE to be requested for

CVE are completely inappropriate, I am sure you are well aware of that.



PREINING Norbert                    
Fujitsu Research     +    IFMGA Guide     +    TU Wien    +    TeX Live
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