The KDE Patchset Collection has been rebased on top of Qt 5.15.3

Neal Gompa ngompa13 at
Sun Mar 6 15:12:37 GMT 2022

On Sun, Mar 6, 2022 at 9:52 AM Fabian Vogt <fabian at> wrote:
> Moin,
> Am Freitag, 4. M�rz 2022, 01:35:14 CET schrieb Albert Astals Cid:
> > The KDE Patchset Collection has been rebased on top of Qt 5.15.3
> >
> > Some patches have been droped, some are still needed since we carry patches newer than 1 year old.
> >
> > Since this are rebases (to clearly show which patches are "ours", i.e. those on top of the v5.15.3-lts-lgpl tag)
> > the kde/5.15 branches have been force-pushed to, don't get scared when fetching tells you that a force-update happened.
> With the rebase, the connection between the 5.15.2 and 5.15.3 states has been
> lost, which broke all branches (and thus MRs) based on that, and the
> non-linearity of the history makes it hard to get an accurate list of changes
> (added, removed and changed commits). GC might eventually also break links to
> particular commits on the old branch.
> Would it be possible to just cherry-pick the patches from upstream's 5.15 which
> were missing from kde/5.15 instead? I imagine that wouldn't be too hard, and
> grant a better overview.
> If not, could you please publish a full list of changes caused by the rebase of
> affected repositories?

It should have been done as kde/5.15.2 and kde/5.15.3 branches, but
here we are...

真実はいつも一つ!/ Always, there's only one truth!

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