ZXing 1.4.0 interoperability

Fabian Vogt fabian at ritter-vogt.de
Wed Jul 20 17:37:17 BST 2022


Am Mittwoch, 20. Juli 2022, 17:08:58 CEST schrieb Volker Krause:
> Hello distributors,
> when updating to ZXing 1.4.0 you might also want to consider applying the 
> changes listed below. ZXing 1.4.0 unfortunately isn't entirely backward 
> compatible, reported issues involve build problems and (more commonly) runtime 
> crashes.
> - Prison: https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/prison/-/commit/
> 74e34fa35a59098db7c4358b788ad3ac0a5745f7
> - KItinerary: https://invent.kde.org/pim/kitinerary/-/commit/
> e60195421aa159462353892ed32bf46ac8c57d19

FTR, this doesn't apply cleanly on top of 22.04.3 due to the cmakedefine01
change. The conflict is simple to fix though.

(I'd link my cherry-pick here, but haven't actually tested it with ZXing 1.4.0


> Thank you!
> Volker

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