C++/library requirements for Plasma 5.26

Yurii Kolesnykov yurii.kolesnykov at kdemail.net
Thu Jul 7 20:06:24 BST 2022

As for Homebrew-KDE we have a stock proprietary fork of Clang by Apple, upstream Clang 14.0.6 and GCC 11.3.0.

We don’t ship Plasma, but as I understand this change may also impact Gear and Frameworks soon.

> 7 лип. 2022 р. о 15:08 Nicolas Fella <nicolas.fella at gmx.de> написав(ла):
> Hi,
> for Plasma 5.26 I would like to make use of some C++20 features, in
> particular coroutines.
> In terms of compiler requirements this should translate to requiring GCC
> 10 or Clang 11.
> In addition we would like to require the qcoro library
> (https://github.com/danvratil/qcoro). As per
> https://github.com/danvratil/qcoro/issues/85 the library can be
> considered stable and is regularly released.
> Is there any distribution that plans to ship Plasma 5.26 that cannot
> fulfill these requirements?
> To test whether your system provides the necessary bits you can try
> building
> https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-desktop/-/merge_requests/1023 or
> https://invent.kde.org/plasma/plasma-nm/-/merge_requests/124
> Let me know of there are any problems with this plan.
> Cheers
> Nico

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