KDE Frameworks: dropping dead(?) Python bindings generation code?

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Wed Feb 16 00:01:10 GMT 2022


is anybody of you packaging KDE Frameworks still generating and packaging also 
any Python bindings of it?

Or could we remove the logic from the KDE Frameworks sources in one of the 
next KF 5.* releases, e.g. like this for KCoreAddons:

Please tell
    "Fine with removing, not using that since X."
    "Meh, we are using that, please keep it (and let me help fix it)"

Motivation is that it seems the binding generation is broken as with current 
upstream software, with no official KF Python bindings maintainer around and 
no-one else who seems to work on fixing that. Even more might it need a big 
rewrite rather. 
E.g. on #kde-devel I was told that"pyqt5 5.15.6 + sip4" do no more go 
together, referencing https://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2021-November/044346.html:
> It wasn't an intentional breakage but it's not something I'm going to rush 
to fix.

Also KDE CI has not been covering the binding generation for some time due to 
being a fragile thing before and without someone fixing it. So things might 
have regressed without anyone noticing, even more due to all the KF6 

So if indeed this is now dead code without anyone using it, and any future 
revival would need different logic anyway, we could clean up what there is now 
and have less things to juggle with during the KF6 preparations.


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