Announcing KDE's Qt 5 Patch Collection

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at
Tue Apr 6 17:07:52 BST 2021

Pragmatism! \o/ Thank you for this initiative.


Den tis 6 apr. 2021 11:09Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> skrev:

> Dear community,
> We have some exciting news about the continuity and long-term health
> of Qt5 -- the LTS, and at this point the previous Qt version. The KDE
> community, we are setting up and maintaining a repository with the
> latest Open Source Qt 5.15 release and a collection of patches for
> bugfixes that are relevant for Open Source users of Qt5.
> You can read here the full announcement:
> Most notably in this page you can learn how this is meant to work and
> start using it:
> Best regards,
> Aleix
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