Please install thumbnailers as (soft)dependency

Luigi Toscano luigi.toscano at
Tue Mar 12 11:06:14 GMT 2019

Hi all,

it looks like not all distributions install the available thumbnailers when 
packages that benefit from their availability are installed.

While thumbnailers are optional, if your packaging system provide 
soft-dependencies, please make sure that those packages (dolphin, 
plasma-integration, and probably others) soft-depend on the thumbnailers, if 
they are packaged in your distribution.

A (possibly incomplete) list of the repositories which provide thumbnailers is:

- kio-extras
- kdegraphics-thumbnailers
- kdegraphics-mobipocket
- ffmpegthumbs
- kuiviewer (from kde-dev-utils)
- kdesdk-thumbnailers


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