New dependency for KPat

Fabian K. 0inkane at
Wed May 16 21:50:32 BST 2018

I'm afraid I don't completely follow. What exactly do you mean with

> Slackware would have to drop the packages that have freecell-solver as a hard dep
?  With drop, do you mean remove? If so, why would adding it as
dependency to kpat affect other packages?

But in general: It should be possible to make the library an optional
build time dependency. The only question is, whether it is worth the
increased code complexity. If the increased packaging workload for
distros like Slackware, Arch, etc. which are neither  DEB nor RPM
based is deemed too high, I certainly won't pushing freecell-solver as
a hard dependency.

Cheers, Fabian

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