Please package qtvirtualkeyboard

Martin Gräßlin mgraesslin at
Thu Mar 2 20:51:20 GMT 2017

Am 2. März 2017 21:17:12 MEZ schrieb Fabian Vogt <fabian at>:
>Am Donnerstag, 2. M?rz 2017, 20:51:56 CET schrieb Martin Gr??lin:
>> Hi distros,
>> please start packaging qtvirtualkeyboard if you have not already done
>> so. This is already an optional dependency in KWin and with Plasma
>> we will prominently ship the virtual keyboard in the lockscreen.
>> Please also ensure that all locales for the keyboard are available. 
>> Currently we don't offer a possibility to input east-asian characters
>> the lock screen and the virtual keyboard will hopefully improve this.
>> Unfortunately I couldn't test yet as the distro I use on one system 
>> doesn't package qtvirtualkeyboard yet and the distro on the other
>> only packages the English locale.
>In openSUSE we enabled all locales that do not require bundled
>components. That the package does not even search for system libs is
>awful and it even compiles them in statically, which is not great at

Please complain to Qt. I want aware of that and agree that it is not acceptable.

>> With Plasma 5.10 the qtvirtualkeyboard will stay optional, with
>> 5.11 I will make it a hard dependency. So please start packaging.
>Hard dependency during buildtime or runtime?
>Only a minority of users will actually use it.

We need it at runtime. But if we want to use it and it's not around the screen would no longer be unlockable.
Currently it is solved by using a Loader which is allowed to fail. Disadvantage is that I cannot use some features which would require it to not be a loader.
I don't know yet how we can specify that in a good way in cmake. I tend for build dependency as that would ensure that distros look at it.


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