Handling framework packages in distros

Martin Steigerwald martin at lichtvoll.de
Sat Jul 9 17:42:57 BST 2016


In Debian we saw versioned dependencies in KDE framework packages repeatedly. 
Like krunner not working with a partial mix of 5.23 and 5.22 framework 
packages in Debian testingĀ¹.

Thus I want to clarify on upstream recommendations here:

I bet you do not document and in some cases maybe donĀ“t even know all cases 
where a newer framework module requires another new framework module, but 
rather expect distros to upgrade all KDE Framework packages in lockstep.

Is that true?

Since the order in which packages enter Debian Unstable and especially Testing 
is not predictable this creates issues for users of these Debian versions and 
also leads to bug reports that are interim breakages.

Any recommendations, any ideas?

The Debian/Kubuntu Qt/KDE currently team uses a transition to make sure all 
KDEPIM 16.04 arrive at one time in testing, I wonder, whether it makes sense 
to aim at providing something similar for framework packages. Yet usually 
those transitions are only used on incompatible ABI changes.

[1] Re: Bug#829614: plasma-workspace: krunner no longer launches application


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