ANN: KDevelop 4.7.3 and 5.0 Beta 2 ready to be packaged

Milian Wolff mail at
Sun Jan 31 21:08:07 GMT 2016

Note 1: The subject contained a typo, we just released Beta 2 of KDevelop 5, 
not Beta 3. Hope this didn't confuse anyone.

On Dienstag, 26. Januar 2016 11:32:55 CET Milian Wolff wrote:
> Hey all,
> multiple updates in KDevelop land:
> A new stable release is available based on kdelibs 4:
> KDevelop 4.7.3:

Note 2: I was notified that the previous kdev-python-1.7.3-py3 tarball did not 
include any translations. I respun the tarball which you can now find at: 

> A new unstable preview release in preparation of our first KF5 based
> KDevelop is also available:
> kdevelop-pg-qt also saw an update to 2.0 beta 2 for this purpose:

Note 3: /This/ is Beta 3...

Sorry for the confusion! I'll now create a proper announcement for all of 

> Please update your packages. The 4.7.3 release should be a shipped
> everywhere you ship KDevelop 4.7.x. But we would also appreciate you
> rolling out the beta releases of KDevelop and kdevelop-gp-qt via your
> testing channels to get us more feedback. We are also open to feedback from
> you packagers, as there where some changes in KDevelop 5.x vs. 4.x - most
> notably more of our plugins are now shipped directly in the KDevelop
> tarball. The plugins in question are kdev-qmljs and kdev-qmake. Some
> distros used to ship these experimental plugins even for KDevelop 4.x.
> Thanks!

Milian Wolff
mail at
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