kimpanel moved from kdeplasma-addons to plasma-desktop

Eike Hein hein at
Fri Jan 8 22:17:39 GMT 2016

Hello everyone,

as part of an effort to make basic text input in more writing systems
a core part of the product, the Input Method widget and data engine
have moved from kdeplasma-addons to plasma-desktop (imported with full
history going back to SVN, improving over the original git conversion
done for kdeplasma-addons).

That means the (optional) build dependencies on supported backends
such as ibus, fcitx and scim kdeplasma-addons has so far carried are
now true for the upcoming plasma-desktop 5.6 package.

Also slated for Plasma 5.6 (but not yet implemented) is automatically
adding the Input Method widget to the panel on first logon when Plasma
is run in a locale that favors a writing system requiring an input
method. We'll document the list of those locales at that time. We're
aiming to have the widget fail gracefully if none of the supported
backend daemons are running, but this means a distro should strive to
install and autostart one of them when installing with one of those
locales (as many of you already do).

Note that writing systems that require an input method include modern
unicode emoji, so investing in having this work well in your distro
now is wise.

i18n will handle moving the translation files soon :)


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