Applications 16.07.90 - error building i18n-it

Luca Giambonini gluca86 at
Fri Aug 5 22:04:09 BST 2016

I was building today the languages pack of the RC1 but I encountered an error 
when building the italian translations (was already present with the Beta1).

index.docbook:117: parser error : Entity 'applications' not defined
e in sviluppo di &kde-frameworks;, di &plasma-workspaces; e delle 
Error: `xmllint --noout` outputted text
onlinehelp-index-cache-bz2.dir/build.make:61: recipe for target '5/it/docs/
applications/onlinehelp/index.cache.bz2' failed
make[2]: *** [5/it/docs/applications/onlinehelp/index.cache.bz2] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:8011: recipe for target '5/it/docs/applications/
all' failed
make[1]: *** [5/it/docs/applications/onlinehelp/CMakeFiles/5-it-docs-
applications-onlinehelp-index-cache-bz2.dir/all] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....

I opened a bug report to track it:

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