What KDE would like distributions to do

Matthias Klumpp matthias at tenstral.net
Fri Apr 15 23:43:49 BST 2016

2016-04-14 11:38 GMT+02:00 Thomas Pfeiffer <thomas.pfeiffer at kde.org>:
> [...]
>> > Discover
>> > - Make sure Appstream information is properly pupulated in your
>> > distribution. - Make sure PackageKit is properly set up. It's possible to
>> We actually provide AppStream information in our packages, and the
>> integration is there. However, there are differences between the "regular"
>> AppStream specification and what GNOME uses (and we also ship GNOME), so
>> things are sometimes more complicated than what it seems at first.
> Hm, this sounds like a situation which KDE, GNOME and the AppStream team have
> to solve together. What is a freedesktop.org specification any good for if then
> desktops go ahead and deviate from it?

That's something I can comment on :-) Richard Hughes and I work on
getting the differences resolved, and I am being much more strict now
on what to allow in the specification (as well as obsoleting old stuff
quicker and pushing for stricter validation). Unfortunately, OpenSUSE
does some weird internal things like base64-encoding icons in the
AppStream XML, something which I will never allow in the spec (that's
a strict no here), but OpenSUSE needs internally for its
infrastructure. AFAIK that custom stuff doesn't make it to the end
user, so there is no real problem here, except for libappstream-glib
supporting this as non-standard extension.

Generally speaking, the AppStream GNOME uses is a superset of
AppStream itself, so it should be compatible. Please, if you find
incompatibilities or issues, can you relay them to me or report a bug
against AppStream?[1]
We will then resolve this quickly in some way (by adding missing stuff
to the spec, or by making as-glib or libas(-qt) comply with the spec).


[1]: https://github.com/ximion/appstream/issues

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