Critical Fixes to Spectacle 16.04

Boudhayan Gupta bgupta at
Tue Apr 26 15:10:22 BST 2016

Hi distro packagers,

Spectacle 16.04, as released, seems to have two pretty bad regressions.

The first is that HiDPI is broken again. This seems to have been
caused by Qt 5.6, but I can't test with 5.5 to see if it broke there
as well. In any case, a patch to fix it is available at

The second is a more insidious bug that seems to completely break
rectangular image captures for nvidia GPU users, regardless of whether
they're on nvidia or nouveau. A patch to fix it is available at

Both of these are pretty severe issues. Please try and ship these two
patches ASAP, without waiting for the 16.04.1 release.

-- Boudhayan Gupta

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