Co-ordinating special KSnapshot release with KHotkeys

Boudhayan Gupta bgupta at
Thu Nov 19 13:15:13 GMT 2015

Hi all,

As you may be aware, the KHotkeys package contains data files that
define global system shortcuts. One of these datafiles
(/usr/share/khotkeys/printscreen.khotkeys, typically) defines what to
do when the PrintScreen key is pressed. Currently, this launches

As you may also be aware, the Applications 15.12 (December) release
does not include the deprecated KSnapshot anymore, but instead
includes its replacement Spectacle.

Now we can't simply edit out the KHotkeys data file to launch
spectacle instead for the simple reason that KHotkeys is released with
Plasma, before KDE Applications. If we edit out the datafile now, for
a couple of weeks the PrintScreen key will not start a screenshot

We plan to fix this with the following:

1) Move the printscreen.khotkeys file from the KHotkeys package to the
KSnapshot package.
2) Make a special release of KSnapshot with the new KHotkeys file.
This release explicitly depends on KHotkeys 5.5
3) Distros release the new KSnapshot package together with Plasma 5.5

Spectacle already owns its own KHotkeys file. We'll let KSnapshot own
it's own KHotkeys file too.

For this plan to work, the distros need to do the following:

1) For those who're not updating to Plasma 5.5 - do nothing. Don't
ship the updated KSnapshot release.
2) For those who're updating to Plasma 5.5 - release the updated
KSnapshot package and Plasma 5.5 together.
3) For those who're shipping KDE4 desktops as well as Plasma 5
desktops - if Plasma 5.5 is installed, install the new KSnapshot
package, else install the old one.

The Plasma 5.5 code branch is scheduled for today, and the tars will
be generated on December 3. If any distro has any objection to this
plan, please notify us as soon as you can.

Boudhayan Gupta

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