KActivities 4.x and 5.x packaging

Ivan Čukić ivan.cukic at kde.org
Tue May 26 17:48:30 BST 2015

Hi all,

This seems to have been missed by some (at least openSUSE) packagers:

It is about co-installabiilty of libraries from 4.x and 5.x.

The libraries from KActivities are coinstallable, so you can mix
applications that depend on KActivities/KDElibs4 and KActivities/KF5.

The deamon is *not* co-installable.

If you have a single KF5 application that links to libKActivities/KF5,
you *need* to have the KF5 daemon shipped, and not the 4.x one.

If you try to circumvent this by, lets say, renaming kactivitymanagerd
from KF5 to kactivitymanagerd5 and similar, you will get crashes in
all KF5 applications that use libKActivities/KF5 [1][2][3].

Qt4/KDElibs4 applications that use old libKActivities work properly
with the new kactivitymanagerd, but the new library can not work with
the old service.


[1] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=348212
[2] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=347817
[3] duplicates linked in the above bug reports

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