HEADS-UP, DBus >= 1.8.14 breaks Plasma 5 < 5.1.95 startup

šumski hrvoje.senjan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 10 18:42:05 GMT 2015

Due to security hardening in DBus, since 1.8.14 it won't allow calling on 
UpdateActivationEnvironment from anything else than /org/freedesktop/DBus.

ksyncdbusenv, called in startkde used the wrong path until few days ago, which 
Lukáš fixed in time for 5.1.95 (commit c0ace3a3994ab024ba5301b0c6be24a907d57eaf 
in plasma-workspace), so i guess distros with new DBus can either backport 
before Tuesday, or advise users to temporarily comment out the ksyncdbusenv 
invocation in startkde...

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