Calligra 2.9.0

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Thu Feb 26 23:38:32 GMT 2015

Am Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015, 12:35:11 schrieb Cyrille Berger:
> Hello,
> Packages for Calligra 2.9.0 are in stable/calligra-2.9.0. Release is
> planned for tomorrow. This is the last of our feature release based on
> KDE4. Next releases will be using KF5.

Thanks to first feedback, also rdieter and Riddell, you might want to consider 
integrating these patches when creating packages, for a better (first) user 

Patch 1:
Restore old installation location of app desktop files:

This avoids breaking shortcuts/bookmarks to Calligra apps that people might 
have created from the menu.

Patch 2:
Let Calligra Okular plugins be less aggressively go for being file handler:

This avoids Okular suddenly being picked over LibreOffice for 
ODT/DOC/DOCX/ODP/PPT/PPTX files, which might be unexpected for many.


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