Stichwörter Chaos --- Verdacht - Suspicious

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at
Tue Feb 4 07:05:04 GMT 2025

Auto-Tags can only be responsible to the extent that after writing the tags, 
the metadata is re-read to keep the database up to date (file size, etc.)

To explain again. Tags must be written in the metadata for an entry that 
supports hierarchical tags (with path). This is the digiKam TagsList or the LR 
TagsList. These must also be at the top of the advanced metadata settings so 
that they are read from the images first.
An example: If these entries are not present in images and digiKam finds the 
single entry "Car" without a path in dc.Subject, however, there is "/Old/Car" 
and "/New/Car" in the DB. The entry "Car" cannot therefore be clearly assigned 
to anyone, in this case "Car" is recreated in the root.


Am Dienstag, 4. Februar 2025, 00:12:14 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit schrieb 
Gruhler at
> Hallo zusammen,
> ich habe den Verdacht, dass mein Chaos mit
> der Funktion unter /Extras > Wartung > Auto tags
> /zusammenhängt.
> Kann es aber noch nicht 100 % bestätigen.
> Eigentlich wollte ich nur ein Album testen habe aber jetzt Chaos.
> /Hello everyone,
> I have the suspicion that my chaos with
> the function under Extras > Maintenance > Auto tags
> is related.
> But I can't confirm it 100% yet.
> Actually I only wanted to test one album but now I have chaos.
> /
> Am 27.01.2025 um 11:42 schrieb Gruhler at
> > Hallo zusammen,
> > hat jemand eine Idee was passiert sein kann mit meinen Stichworten und
> > wie ich es reparieren kann?
> > Chaos: ...

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