digikam can't find NFS which is actually mounted

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Mon Jan 29 18:05:47 GMT 2024

If the collection is not recognized, create a log of the debug output of 
digiKam in the terminal as described here:


At the moment one could only guess. For a network collection, digiKam-8.2.0 
and above uses two functions to recognize that the collection is mounted and 
that it is the correct one. On the one hand, the new file UUID (the file is in 
the .dtrash path), but as a fallback, the old method from the path and at 
least one folder/file must be present.


Am Montag, 29. Januar 2024, 17:20:11 CET schrieb Diego:
> Hi -- somehow digikam seems to be losing its information about NFS
> shares even though the NFS is successfully mounted on the system. These
> is all the evidence I have:
> 1. When I double click on a picture I get a message "The storage
> location of this image is currently not available".
> 2. When I open digikam, it finishes searching for new items in 0 secs.
> This is odd since it typically takes between 1 or 2 mins)
> 3. When I go to settings -> configure digikam -> collections. I see my
> network share, but the little "network symbol" next to it, is grayed out.
> 4. On the right pane, under the "Properties" tab, the Folder (under
> "File Properties") starts with "???/" instead of the mounting point of
> the NFS as it should.
> 5. On a terminal, I can "df" or "mount" and see the filesystem there. In
> fact I can cd and open and pictures/movies with gwenview, mplayer, vlc,
> etc. So, the NFS share is definitely mounted and accessible (I can also
> write on it).
> 6. If in settings/configure digikam/collection I click on the circular
> arrows next to the NFS path which says "updates the path of the
> collection" and select exactly the same directory as before, it starts
> rescaning everything (and I think rebuiliding the database, all of which
> takes a long time) and after that, everything works as normal (even
> though I changed nothing related to the NFS), at least for some time,
> until digikam again loses connection to the NFS share.
> Anyone experienced anything like this, or any idea what may be happening?
> I'm running Digikam 8.2.0 on Fedora 39 KDE-spin. This is the output (a
> little redacted) from "mount" for that share:
> [server]:[dir_on_server] on [mounting_point] type nfs4
> (rw,nosuid,nodev,relatime,vers=4.2,rsize=104857
> 6,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,client
> addr=,local_lock=none,addr =,user=xxxxx,_netdev)
> Thanks much!

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