Face recognition suggested improvement.

Nic Garton ngarton at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 20 13:21:29 GMT 2024


Digikam - wow! I love it.

Now, to possible improvements.
As has been pointed out by many, face recognition tends to fail to almost useless once you train the engine with some blurred or obscured faces.
I have got round this by emptying the face trainings, and starting over with some clear faces.
But it quickly degrades again.

To empty the face trainings, and start over, I have been running the following SQL commands, in my favorite db client (Dbeaver). Obviously need external SQL DB for this.

      delete from FaceMatrices;
      delete from Identities;
      delete from IdentityAttributes;
      delete from ImageTagProperties where property = "autodetectedPerson";

(I keep everything I want to keep in sidecar .xmp files, so I don't worry about messing the DB itself).
So, my suggestion to make this work good, and it is SO CLOSE to working good, is to have a gui interface to be able to select which faces are used for each identity.
Then if you "accidentally" add a blurry one, it can just be removed through the gui. So each identify would keep a set of say, 5, really good faces images.
Then recognizing a face to this identity would NOT automatically add it to the trainings for that face ("FaceMatrices" table).
In short, much more user control over which faces make the training set, and which don't.

I have no idea how much effort it would take to add this interface, but based on my tests, it would solve many of the problems, and make this an even more fantastic product!

Thanks in advance!

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