tags make me crazy
Maik Qualmann
metzpinguin at gmail.com
Sat Dec 7 18:21:28 GMT 2024
Hi Frédéric,
I can't find any errors with these images.
The tag "piscine" is created by the image "piscine
20200311_092408_vHDR_Auto.jpg" in the root as a single tag.
This is actually how it is shown in the metadata and can be easily corrected.
I don't have the tag "mésange bleue" in the root with this set of images.
Please note the following: you should always read an entry for tags in the
advanced metadata that supports hierarchical tags. Either LR hierarchical tags
or digikam TagsList.
Please note the following: if an image has a single tag entry, digiKam tries
to find the name in the digiKam tag tree. However, if this exists multiple
times in different hierarchies, the tag logically cannot be assigned to one. In
this case, the single tag is created in the root.
Am Samstag, 7. Dezember 2024, 10:13:51 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit schrieb
Frédéric Da Vitoria:
> Hello Maik,
> Thank you for looking into this.
> Here are 8 examples. I did not touch anything in them since the problem
> occured except changing their file names, and I did so after copying
> them into a directory outside of dK's scope. So these should exactly
> what dK sees.
> I included:
> - 4 photos with the "piscine" tag, taken with 4 defferent cameras, each
> time the "piscine" is duplicated
> - 2 photos with a "mésange bleue" tag, one where this itag is duplicated
> at the root level, one where there is only one copy of the tag; I did
> not do anything recently with those old photos so I don't have any idea
> why dK decided to duplicate those tags
> - 2 photos with a "macaque à longue queue" tag, one where this itag is
> duplicated, one where there is only one copy of the tag; I did not do
> anything recently with those old photos so I don't have any idea why dK
> decided to duplicate those tags either; here, dK duplicated tag under
> "animal" instead of putting the duplicate in the root.
> I noticed that the duplicated tags had character set issues (when there
> were non-standard characters, of course).
> Note that the problem occurs when I select a group of photos and edit
> the tags by checking / unchecking the tags in the right pane. AFAICT,
> this does not happen when I merge tags using "Tags" in the left pane. I
> guess I should refrain from using the right pane to edit tags until this
> issue is solved.
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K2Q9Nf0F-D5UEuVK8CqSX5SG_9P3eCsc?usp
> =sharing
> On 06/12/2024 22:50, Maik Qualmann wrote:
> > I would need to have example images with the tags that are causing the
> > problem in order to reproduce it. I suspect metadata that cannot be
> > changed. Either Exif.XP* namespace that cannot be changed by Exiv2 or
> > something similar.
> >
> > Maik
> >
> > Am Freitag, 6. Dezember 2024, 14:25:05 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit
> > schrieb
> >
> > Frédéric Da Vitoria:
> >> Sorry, I just noticed that the pictures I shared were not visible. I
> >> just fixed this, now everyone should be able to see them.
> >>
> >> On 06/12/2024 13:42, Frédéric Da Vitoria wrote:
> >>> No, I stopped trying. I am waiting for someone to tell me if this is
> >>> indeed a bug which I should file as such.
> >>>
> >>> Note that my issue is sligntly different: my tag is not replaced, it
> >>> is duplicated, so that I have 2 occurrences of that tag, one in the
> >>> hierarchy (where I expect it to be) and one ar the root.
> >>>
> >>> Only a few of my tags behave this way... Actually no, there were only
> >>> a few misplaced tags when I created this thread, now there are 37 at
> >>> root level plus I don't know how many more at other levels. So the
> >>> problem is spreading with time.
> >>>
> >>> On 06/12/2024 10:52, frederic chaume wrote:
> >>>> Hi Frederic
> >>>>
> >>>> I have the same problem.
> >>>> I set a hierarchical tags, than synchronize metadata (I'm using lazy
> >>>> mode) and the hierarchical tags are automatically replaced by a flat
> >>>> set of tags.
> >>>> Reusing your example , it looks like:
> >>>> setting "Lieux/France/C(...)/L(...)/piscine" is replaced by
> >>>> "Lieux"
> >>>> "France"
> >>>> (...)/L(...)/
> >>>> "piscine"
> >>>>
> >>>> did you solved your problem?
> >>>>
> >>>> regards
> >>>> Frederic
> >>>>
> >>>> Le 03/12/2024 à 20:23, Frédéric Da Vitoria a écrit :
> >>>>> If I now add the "Lieux/France/C(...)/L(...)/piscine" tag to
> >>>>> untagged photos, dK adds the "piscine" tag too.
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