Create HTML Gallery tool chrashes DK

Andrej Valencic andrej.valencic at
Mon Dec 2 17:22:58 GMT 2024

Hi Maik,

I tested the latest version so here are some observations:

- first time I ran this version it was ok with cca. 200 pictures
- then I tried with around 300 photos and DK crashed
- I tried again and now it crashes even with around 150 photos
- it runs OK with up to cca. 120 photos


On 02/12/2024 12:27, Maik Qualmann wrote:
> We have made some changes to the HTML Gallery Tool (image loading etc.). Can
> you please test if the problem can still be reproduced with the current pre-
> release version of digiKam-8.6.0 ?
> Maik
> Am Freitag, 22. November 2024, 12:48:00 Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit schrieb
> Andrej Valencic:
>> There is some more memory used by DK when I run the tool, but not much -
>> about 200MB more before the crash. And I still have about 60% free
>> memory on my PC.
>> On 22/11/2024 12:33, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>> Hum no more info.
>>> But look on the top/right side, the memory allocated rises up just
>>> before it crashes. This can be the reason...
>>> Did you confirm ?
>>> Gilles Cauleir
>>> Le ven. 22 nov. 2024 à 11:46, Andrej Valencic
>>> <andrej.valencic at> a écrit :
>>>      So I tried this with the 8.5.0 version that you pointed to and the
>>>      results are a little bit different but not much.
>>>      Regards
>>>      On 22/11/2024 11:32, Andrej Valencic wrote:
>>>>      Well, I installed the debug version from here:
>>>>      I will try again - I see there is a new build from today.
>>>>      Regards
>>>>      On 22/11/2024 11:26, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>>>      Hi,
>>>>>      Your digiKam install is not the debug version for Windows. We
>>>>>      package Windows installer with debug symbols in the download area :
>>>>>      4-debug.exe.mirrorlist
>>>>>      Best
>>>>>      Gilles Caulier
>>>>>      Le ven. 22 nov. 2024 à 11:18, Andrej Valencic
>>>>>      <andrej.valencic at> a écrit :
>>>>>          Hi Gilles,
>>>>>          I tried the debugger run and I got to the point where DK
>>>>>          throws an exception. Here is the screenshot of Visual Studio
>>>>>          windows (I'm sorry but  don't know any other way how to get
>>>>>          the info from VS).
>>>>>          Regards,
>>>>>          Andrej
>>>>>          On 22/11/2024 10:09, Gilles Caulier wrote:
>>>>>>          Hi Andrej,
>>>>>>          The log does not show any value to hack the problem.
>>>>>>          It's better to run digiKam in the debugger to see where the
>>>>>>          crash appears in source code. Please follow instruction
>>>>>>          from this page :
>>>>>>          ikam
>>>>>>          best
>>>>>>          Gilles Caulier
>>>>>>          Le ven. 22 nov. 2024 à 10:03, Andrej Valencic
>>>>>>          <andrej.valencic at> a écrit :
>>>>>>              Hello!
>>>>>>              Anybody has recent experience with the Create Html
>>>>>>              Gallery tool?
>>>>>>              I used to use it a couple of time in the past and it
>>>>>>              worked OK but now
>>>>>>              it crashes DK if I try to use this tool on some bigger
>>>>>>              number of
>>>>>>              photos.  I'm using latest 8.6.0 DK on Win11 with 32GB
>>>>>>              of RAM and
>>>>>>              internal SSD drive. If I use a smaller number of photos
>>>>>>              it works but
>>>>>>              with a big gallery it crashes - I'm not sure where the
>>>>>>              limit is but it
>>>>>>              definitely crashes if I chose more than 100 items to
>>>>>>              add to the gallery.
>>>>>>              In the past with some older version of DK I easily made
>>>>>>              html gallery
>>>>>>              with more than 400 items!
>>>>>>              Included is the log file from DK start and ends when it
>>>>>>              crashes.

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