Odd UI layout for File Properties in right sidebar

Graham Mann graham at bilney.co.uk
Fri Apr 19 21:45:45 BST 2024


I've appended a screen grab of the File Properties window.
I've just upgraded to 8.3.0 from 7.10.0 - nothing untoward.
I'm running it on Windows 10

What I find odd is the following

  * File Properties
    Why is the file name in a large font?
    Why isn't this formatted as in previous versions and the same as 'Folder:'
  * Photographic Properties
    Where has the 'Creation Date:' entry gone?
    Is it related to digiKam Properties which has the creation date in another
    underlined font.

I have checked the meta-data which appear completely correct - see the grab of 
the 'File Properties' hover-over pop up.

Many thanks

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