Is the plugin "User Shell Script" working ?

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at
Thu Sep 21 11:41:00 BST 2023

The following example works:

echo "INPUT FILE: [ $INPUT ]"
echo "OUTPUT FILE: [ $OUTPUT ] "

To clarify again, the script that you write will not be executed, digiKam will 
create a new temporary script where the placeholders are inserted accordingly.

Here is another example using ExifTool to delete all metadata in an image:

exiftool -all= -overwrite_original $OUTPUT


Am Donnerstag, 21. September 2023, 12:24:50 CEST schrieb Filipe Miguel Veloza:
> Hi,
> answering the topics :
>  * "The BQM assumes that a new file is always created for $OUTPUT."
> And if BQM doesn't find destination, returns failled on execution, but
> that is not the issue raised here.
> Or do you mean to say because a new file is not created, is the cause
> of the error.
>  * "The $ "variables" are not, they are replaced with real values in
> the script."
> That is the theory, but no indication to that theory. Plus if you see
> the error reported : "line 3: =TESTE123: command not found\n"
> Clearly shows the string $INPUT was replaced by ""
>  * "So $INPUT becomes "/home/use/pictures/tempxxx.jpg" and $OUTPUT
> becomes "/home/user/pictures/tempyyy.jpg" as example."
> That is also my expectation, but cannot any evidence or error on the
> code, any suggestion for changes on the code to test solution, would be
> appreciated.
> Also I cannot understand why others variables are replaced, but not
> these...

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