Select starred pictures easily & thumbnails

Gilles Caulier caulier.gilles at
Mon Oct 16 08:47:47 BST 2023

Le lun. 16 oct. 2023 à 08:47, Helen Jelen <inomniapar4tus at> a écrit :
> Hello,
> On Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 8:36 AM Gilles Caulier <caulier.gilles at> wrote:
>> >> > Is there any way to filter starred pictures in a folder without having to
>> >> > "search" for them?
>> >> >
>> >> > When I want to see only those pictures that have stars I can only go to
>> >> > Search, create a filter so to get them listed, which is not very user
>> >> > friendly for such a usual operation.
>> >> Right sidebar => Filters tab
>> > OMG... such a powerful tool, never noticed, even much more powerful than my suggestion. Thanks. I really appreciate your help!
>> > If anyone would help me with the Thumbnail hesitation then I'd become the most happy woman on the list today :-D
>> What's the original Q here ? I don't have the history of this thread...
> Original was how to filter folders by have/don't have thumbnails (of possible) as I use thumbnails so to see if folder has already been reviewed/graded or not.
> Or if anyone has any other approach to the same need...

Album filtering is done on the bottom of treeview by the search text
field. But it's only a treeview filter on album names.

There are no tags, rating, labels assignable yet to physical albums,
but you can use virtual albums (tags) which are linked to physical

In your workflow, I recommend to use labels (as rating, picks, or
colors) directly on items. With the labels tree-view on the left side
you have a direct view to the contents. You can also process advanced
searches over tags or labels.

Note that technically, labels are tags in the database, with special properties.

I recommend to take a look the DAM section of the online documentation
for details, to know how to organize your workflow with digiKam :


Gilles Caulier

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