Moving a tag in the hierarchy stopped working. Dk 8.0. Ubuntu 23.04

Paul Marfell pmarfell at
Tue May 2 12:28:48 BST 2023

I don't know if it is a Ubuntu upgrade to 23.04 issue or a DigiKam 8.0
issue but I am now unable to drag tags in any of the areas displaying tags,
including the tag manager. As I attempt to drag a tag it carries with it a
luggage tag icon and a "no" icon - a circle with a diagonal line across it.

The last time I tried this predates 23.04 and Dk 8.0

digiKam-8.0.0-x86-64_bb425ef1b188aa2ce4068985a53d176f AppImage

Has anyone else had this issue and got around it?



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