create video slideshow

Angelo Mose Pozzi amp53notpam at
Wed Jun 28 08:11:10 BST 2023

    I'm trying to create a video slideshow using the new tool in Digikam
I use the default video settings proposed by the wizard, that is:

Number of Frames by Image:     125
Video Standard:                           PAL - 25FPS
Video Type:                                  BLUERAY - 1980x1080 - 16:9
Video Bit Rate                              1200k
Video Codec:                                High Qualitu H.264 AVC/MPEG-4
Media Container Format:              MP4 - MPEG-4

Moreover I set the effect while displaying images to "Ken Burns - Camera
Pan Left to Right" and transition between images to Random.

In the last wizard page the video creation runs smoothly and I can find the
mp4 file in the expected location but I can't play the video. I use
different video players: Dragon Player, Videos, VLC Media player: no way,
only Videos shows a message saying "the file is corrupt and cannot be
played", the others don't show error messages at all and do nothing.

I'd like to know if I do something wrong...


Angelo Mose' Pozzi
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