Query Digikam

Håkan Elmqvist hakelm at smeden.org
Thu Jul 20 16:35:04 BST 2023

Being fresh to Digikam I have out of my 9345 images tagged 2637 images. 
Finding the untagged ones is not easy.
I can, however find the 6708 non-tagged filenames with a simple query:

SELECT * FROM digikam.Images where id not in (SELECT imageid FROM 

But how do I transfer the result to digiKam and open the images for tagging?
Is there any possibility to execute a SQL query from inside digiKam?

Thanks in advance for any tip.

Den 2023-07-14 kl. 16:52, skrev Håkan Elmqvist:
> I am using digiKam with mysql and I would like to dig into the 
> database with my MySQL tools. To that end I need to understand the 
> relationship between and use of the different tables.
> In DBSCHEMA.ODS only 5 tables are listed. In my digiKam database I 
> find 20+ tables.
> Can someone please point me to more information on the digiKam 
> database and its tables.
> Thanks in advance
> Håkan

Håkan Elmqvist
Sunnerdahlsv 7
167 62 Bromma
Telefon: +46 (8) 80 18 81, +46 (704) 56 74 81, +46 (176) 84 077
epost: hakelm at smeden.org
Kryptera mera!

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