Merge People Tags

Mick Sulley mick at
Mon Jul 3 13:14:14 BST 2023

Brilliant!  Thanks Maik, and thanks Frédéric for trying, seems we both 
learnt something :)


On 03/07/2023 11:34, Maik Qualmann wrote:
> No, that would be the wrong way, it would delete the face regions.
> Use the People View, drag and drop the name that should flow into another one
> onto the target name and select merge.
> Maik
> Am Montag, 3. Juli 2023, 12:07:15 CEST schrieb Frédéric Da Vitoria:
>> Le 03/07/2023 à 11:23, Mick Sulley a écrit :
>>> Just discovered that I have a person tagged with two different names,
>>> 'Jim Smith' and 'Jim Smith Jnr' in different pictures.  How can I
>>> merge them?  I tried editing the 'Jim Smith' tag but it won't let me
>>> give it the same name as the other, which is reasonable.  Is there
>>> away to do this other than going through each picture individually?
>>> I have looked in the manual but cannot see how to do it.
>>> Thanks
>>> Mick
>> Hello.
>> Here is how I do it:
>>   1. In the tags tab, select the tag you want to clear "Jim Smith"
>>   2. select all the associated pictures
>>   3. right-click / "Assign tag" / "More tags"
>>   4. type "Jim Smith" which brings both tags
>>   5. check "Jim Smith Jr" and uncheck "Jim Smith"
>>   6. Apply
>>   7. You can now Delete the "Jim Smith" tag
>> But maybe someone else has a better suggestion.

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