[digiKam-users] Does the operation maintenance apply to the album and its sub-albums or only to the album.

Maik Qualmann metzpinguin at gmail.com
Sun Feb 12 08:57:45 GMT 2023

It only applies to the selected album. Sub-albums also need to be checked, 
right mouse button menu can do this automatically for the sub-albums. Which 
function in the maintenance tool takes so long for you?


Am Sonntag, 12. Februar 2023, 09:44:03 CET schrieb herve.lebrouster at orange.fr:
> Good morning,
> I am using version 7.9.0 of Digikam under Windows 10.
> One question: in the maintenance function, when you select an album, does
> the operation apply to the album and its sub-albums or only to the album.
> I have very very long processing times more than 4 days for 10,000 photos!!!
> Cordially
> Herve Le Brouster

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