Font sizes cannot be changed everywhere

Tomaschowski tomaschowski at
Thu Apr 20 19:05:00 BST 2023


I've been using digikam for a long time and I'm absolutely thrilled!
Digikam works very reliably and efficiently!

But now I have a problem:

I use a 4k Monitor with Nvidia Graphic card GT 1030.
The thumbnails (preview images) are much smaller than they were  on the
old HD monitor.
However, the font sizes are perfect and should remain as they are.

To enlarge them, I activate in Configure/Miscellaneous/System:
√ Use high DPI scaling from screen factor
√ Use pixmaps with high DPI resolution
Now, the Thumbnails are big enough! It's perfect like this!

But the fontsize is much too large.
So I set in Appearance the "Custom-Font" up to 5 point.
And now:
The fontsizes are different!
On the right side the fontsize is pretty OK.
But on the  left side and in the main window

How can I resolve this problem and reduce the font size on the  left
side  and in middle?

Best regards

Franz Tomaschowski
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